Links I live By

Don’t we all enjoy a page where all of the useful resources, websites, and ideas are linked for you? This is my page to do exactly that! Here are a few links that I have found helpful throughout my semester in ECI201, and hopefully you’ll find them helpful too!

Padlet is an awesome site for classroom discussions and thoughts. We used this frequently throughout the semester and it became extremely useful when our class had questions about something we learned in class or even when we had ideas to share with everyone.

Ted Talks is an amazing website that produces meaningful, inspirational, and educational videos that anyone can listen to. During our class we were assigned many Ted Talks to listen to and were sometimes required to answer questions regarding the videos we watched. Through Ted Talk one can broaden their horizons on just about any topic of interest.

The NC State METRC website has really anything one could ever need regarding printing, available equipment and technology, and books offered. There is also a feature available where you can chat with the people working in METRC which makes it easy to have your questions answered.

Youtube has been a platform I have relied on heavily throughout this semester. YouTube has made it easy for me to search videos relating to content discussed in class, receive a detailed overview of the topic, and effortlessly upload a workable link into my blog posts.